Uniblue PowerSuite 2013 is a comprehensive set of maintenance tools for cleaning up, repairing and optimising your PC. It includes Uniblue DriverScanner 2013, which checks the device drivers installed on your PC, highlights any that are out of date, then locates, downloads and installs the updates in a couple of clicks. You also get a capable Registry cleaner in Uniblue RegistryBooster 2013. The program will quickly scan your Registry for redundant and broken entries, fix them at a click, then defragment the Registry to ensure it's using the minimum amount of RAM and hard drive space.
The new Uniblue PowerSuite 2013 ships with these new features:
- Now has intelligent tabulation
- Improved Detailed view in scan report
- Improved user customisation feature to persist ticks across the whole application.
- Intelligent tabulation throught the whole application
- Improved drivers installation on multiple languages
- Intelligent tabulation throught the whole application
- Improved error logging mechanism.
Installation Instructions :
1. Install and run .exe file .
2. Enter serial manually .
3. Enjoy !! the full version of software .
Download Uniblue PowerSuite PRO 2013 (945 KB)
Download Serial Uniblue PowerSuite PRO 2013 (2 KB)
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