8StartButton - a program that not only restores the traditional functionality of the Start menu on your computer, but also integrates some useful functions. You can turn off, restart or lock your computer with a simple click of the mouse, but you can also run the Registry Editor and the Device Manager Windows.
- Three start menus. Access the new 8StartButton start menu, the Windows 8 apps screen, or the Windows 8 start screen with a regular left mouse button click.
- Fully integrating. Get back what Microsoft skipped: a start button + start menu fully integrated into Windows 8.
- Highly customizable. Customize your start button with in-build images, or use your own button skins.
- Fully configurable. Change the in-build start menu buttons' appearance, images, and commands, change tile order, add additional tiles.
- Full control. Full control over Windows 8 with the included quick access buttons.
Unpack with winrar
Run setup.x
OS: Windows 8.
Language: English.
Download 8 Start Button + start menu 1.0.2 (Get back what Microsoft skipped).rar (14.948 KB)
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