Auslogics File Recovery adalah software yang berfungsi sebagaimana pengolah data Recovery yang mampu mengembalikan file-file yang terhapus akibat ketidak sengajaan, atau terkena virus.

Auslogics File Recovery 3
High quality all-in-one file recovery software. From a trusted company and continuously improved by industry’s best. Recovers deleted files and lost partitions, quickly and easily.
- File recovery of all file types
- Supports all file systems, hard drives and memory cards
- Quick and easy file recovery with the Recovery Wizard
- Recommended by industry’s leading software distributers
- Works with Windows 7, Vista and XP
Release date:August 10, 2012
Program size:5.19 MB
System Requirements:
- Windows 7, Vista & XP
Windows 2003 & Windows 2008 - 32-bit and 64-bit compatible
- 15 MB available hard disk space
- 256 MB RAM (10/08/2012)
- Added full support for all Windows 8 versions, including Windows 8 Release Preview
- Installer optimized for Windows 8
- Made numerous improvements to all program modules
- Corrected all known bugs
- Corrected errors in language files
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Download Auslogics File Recovery (5.295 KB)
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