Advanced SystemCare merupakan salah satu sistem Utilities terbaik untuk menjaga PC anda. Advanced SystemCare Pro memberikan perlindungan terus menerus, otomatis, dan mencakup semua yang anda butuhkan seperti anti-spyware, perlindungan privasi, tune-up performa, dan sistem cleaner. Advanced SystemCare Pro akan memperbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan pada komputer anda, mengoptimalkan kecepatan internet dan download, menjamin keamanan privasi, dan mempertahankan kinerja komputer semaksimal mungkin.

- Designed for the latest Windows system environment. Gives your PC better speed and reliability
- Powerful Hard Drive Defrag and Optimization
- Next-generation Registry Deep Clean and Optimization
- Automated Working in the Background
- Defends PC Security with Extra Protection
- Quick and Extensive Clean-up for Hard Drives
- Keeps Your PC Running at Peak Performance
- Fixes Multiple System Errors
- Added Slient Mode function
- Added “Privacy Sweep” support for more latest version of frequently-used software
- Improved user interface
- Improved updater
- Improved “Privacy Sweep”, “Auto Sweep” etc.
- Updated multiple languages
- Updated driver database
- Updated the anti-malware database
- Fixed general bugs
Download here Advanced SystemCare Pro (26.996 KB)
Download here License code Advanced SystemCare Pro (1 KB)
Download here Advanced SystemCare Pro (26.996 KB)
Download here License code Advanced SystemCare Pro (1 KB)
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