avast! telah meningkatkan fitur program tambahan yang tidak termasuk dalam versi Antivirus gratis. Ini termasuk sandbox otomatis dan modul browser yang sandboxing. Program avast! bergerak secara otomatis dalam sandbox di mana perilaku program dianalisis. Ini melayani dua tujuan: Pertama-tama memastikan bahwa program tidak dapat membahayakan sistem yang mendasar, dan kedua bahwa avast! dapat menghasilkan laporan yang merekomendasikan bagaimana program harus ditangani ke depannya. Sebuah fitur Remote Assistance telah ditambahkan ke semua avast! versi 7. Ini pada dasarnya memberikan orang lain kontrol atas komputer Anda, yang mungkin bermanfaat untuk dukungan teknis.
To run avast! Pro Antivirus, your PC must meet the following criteria:
Operating Systems Supported
- Windows 7 (any Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit)
- Windows Vista (any Edition excl. Starter Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit)
- Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher (any Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit)
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 (incompatible with avast! Account)
- Pentium 3 Processor
- 128 MB RAM
- 200 MB of free hard disk space
Assistance, avast! Account.
Older Windows operating systems (Windows 95/98/ME/NT) are not supported.
Feature Comparison
Pro Antivirus is Great but Internet Security is Our Best Protection
Compare Pro Antivirus with Internet Security to see how much you can increase your protection.
Compare by features
- Blocks viruses, spyware, and other types of malware
- Warns of a file’s reputation before you open it
- Streams virus database updates in real-time
- Can allow help from a 'geek' friend
- Provides secure online shopping and banking
- Lets you surf the web virtually (outside your PC)
- Runs risky programs virtually (outside your PC)
- Antivirus & anti-spyware engine
- Hybrid cloud/non-cloud technology
- Streaming updates
- Real-time shields
- Remote desktop
- FileRep & WebRep
- Sandbox
- SafeZone
Download avast_pro_antivirus_setup.exe (112.705 MB)
Download License Key avast! Pro Antivirus Valid Till 14 03 2050.rar (1.231 KB)
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