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CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.5.2 Incl Keygen

CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.5.2 Incl Keygen

CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.5.2 Incl Keygen

Starting developing on PHP, probably you often face the problem which IDE to choose for Windows OS. Whereas most companies sell it at high price (100-500$), we offer multifunctional portable IDE FREE absolutely with all standard features: PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript highlighting, advanced PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript autocomplete, Powerful PHP debugger, Context and Dynamic Help, Code Validator, SQL manager and much more...

Codelobster PHP Edition streamlines and simplifies php development process. You don't need to keep in mind names of functions, arguments, tags and their attributes; methods etc - we've implemented all these for you in the autocomplete feature for PHP, HTML, JavaScript and even CSS. Also, you can always get necessary help information by F1 or using special Help control.

Internal free PHP Debugger allows validating code locally. It automatically detects your current server settings and configures corresponding files in order to let you use the Debugger.

Now most sites are developed using various CMS and frameworks. For their usage we propose more advanced Professional version.

Features :
  • PHP, HTML, javascript, kode CSS highlighting
  • PHP, HTML, javascript, kode CSS collapsing
  • HTML AutoComplete: Autocomplete tag, atribut tag dan tag penutup
  • HTML code inspektur: Inspektur memudahkan untuk menemukan elemen HTML yang terdapat dalam halaman.
  • CSS AutoComplete: Autocomplete nama properti
  • Javascript Advanced AutoComplete: Autocomplete kata kunci dan elemen DOM
  • PHP Advanced AutoComplete: Fitur ini akan mempercepat menulis kode, Autocomplete mencakup berbagai pilihan dalam penyelesaian listing kode
  • PHP Debugger: Sebelum menjalankan, Anda harus mengkonfigurasinya. Set yang diperlukan untuk opsi-opsi berikut di menu Preferences (Tools -> Preferences -> Debugger): Virtual folder - path ke folder proyek virtual Virtual host URL - url dari folder virtual Jalur ke php.ini - path ke file php.ini Server - Apache versi yang berjalan pada komputer. anda harus memilih dari daftar yang menampilkan semua versi Apache yang diinstal
  • Fitur untuk debugger: Fungsi Langkah (F11), Step Over (F10), Stop debug (Shift + F5)

CodeLobster PHP Edition

March 26, 2013 Codelobster PHP Edition FREE Version 4.5.2 released!
New version has the following new abilities:
  • Bugs fixed:
    • Highlighting after / for Javascript
      Code formating
      Auto-completion for HTML and CSS

Download CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.5.2.rar (18.960 KB)
Download Keygen CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro.rar (223 KB)