TweakNow WinSecret merupakan registry editor yang powerful, aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi khusus yang menangani setting windows, dengan aplikasi ini Anda dapat meningkatkan kecepatan internet atau merubah display message saat logon windows. Semuanya dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dan aman dengan bantuan aplikasi ini, this software quite nice indeed, simple, fast dan efisien, hebatnya aplikasi ini bebas untuk Anda gunakan. Untuk urusan tweak rahasia registry windows aplikasi yang satu ini patut diandalkan.
As a long time Windows user you might have heard about registry. The registry is a special file in your hard disk that hold most of Windows settings data. Wish to improve your internet speed or display message at Windows logon? No problem, those tasks can easily be done by simply editing the registry value. Unfortunately registry is not a friendly place for most people. Changing a wrong value in the registry may cause an unpredictable problem to your Windows. This is why novice users should not edit registry value directly using a registry editor by them self.
In TweakNow WinSecret, we have gathered the most popular Windows XP/Vista registry settings and provide them for you in an easy and safe user interface. All settings are divided in the following sections:
- Applications
- Control Panel
- Desktop
- Miscellaneous
- Network & Internet
- OEM Info
- Special Folders
- Start Menu
- User Accounts
- Windows Core
- Windows Explorer
Download TweakNow WinSecret 2012 4.2.5.rar (6.456 KB)
Download Serial Number TweakNow WinSecret 2012 4.2.5.rar (146 KB)
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