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QEMU KMSmicro v2.01

QEMU KMSmicro v2.01

Stand-alone, independent of the system, a local KMS server to Activate Windows 7, Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise versions, and with this version and Office 2010. You can use a stick.

Activation Instructions:
Activating Windows:
  • Run KMSmicro.cmd, waiting for the server to boot. If for some reason the server does not start, go to the folder and qemu-try to start it, the file there KMSdebug.cmd
  • Run the file from the Administrator Activation Helper v3.cmd (ActivAll.cmd or if the product key
    already installed) to activate the computer. All, the system is activated for 180 days. Activation of Office 2010:
  • Starting from v2.00 to KMSmicro built Office 2010 activation server. A new option, Google and specialized forums to help you
    Activation can not occur for the following reasons:
  • Do not set / installed the wrong product key
  • The counter activation server is not sufficient for a successful activation (The counter is not "are wound"). Carefully read the section "! Attention!"
  • The server was unable to connect to the computer, the computer is busy port 1688 other activators.
  • Remove the "activators" and "cracks" for the Office of 2010-13.
  • Our KMSmicro v2.0 is not compatible with your computer. This has never nebylo, then you are very unlucky
  • There was something completely unforeseen, beyond the scope of this FAQ. Continued in ReadMe.txt
System requirements:
Windows 7, Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise
Free disk space: 1Gb
Free RAM: 512Mb

Checksums archive:
CRC32: 6E3383A1
SHA-1: E0F8B85F4BD16DF59633FB5EE329074956879486


Download KMSmicro.2.1.for.Window.8.7z (264.298 KB)

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