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KMSmicro v3.00

KMSmicro v3.00

Stand-alone, independent of the system, a local KMS server to activate Windows 7, Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise versions, and with this version and Office 2010 and 2013. You can use a stick.

Activating Windows:
  1. Zapuskaem KMSmicro.cmd, waiting for the server to boot. If for some reason the server does not start, go to the folder and qemu-try to start it, the file there KMSdebug.cmd
  2. Nazhimaem "T" for time synchronization server.
  3. Zapuskaem the Administrator file Activation Helper v3.cmd (ActivAll.cmd or if your product key is installed) to activate the computer. All, the system is activated for 180 days.
Activation of Office 2010-2013:
Starting from v3.00 to KMSmicro integrated activation server Office 2010-2013.

Detailed instruction in the archive

System requirements:
Windows 7, Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise

Free disk space: 1Gb
Free RAM: 512Mb

Developer: Ratiborus
Language: Russian


Download KMSmicro v3.00.rar (262.589 KB)

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