The Connectify application will turn your Windows 7 laptop into a WiFi Hotspot to share the Internet with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices. Connectify is running in the Notification Tray next to the system clock. It might not be visible, because Windows 7 has cleaned up the Notification Tray to hide the icons that you don't frequently use. If you click on the small white triangle it will show all of the icons, including the Connectify radio wave icon.
When it is run in "Access Point" mode, Connectify is a real WiFi Access Point running on your computer. Any device that can connect to a regular access point, can connect to a Connectify Hotspot, with no special setup or software required.
When Connectify is run in "Ad Hoc" mode it sets everything up for you (Wireless card, Internet sharing, firewall, etc.) in one press of a button. It also provides advanced features like showing you what computers are connected to your network, and letting you right click them to Explore their shared drives and printers.
NOTE: Users can purchase the PRO version of the application (includes features like Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks, Fully-customizable SSID, AutoInternet selection or Simple Firewall Controls) here.
Here are some key features of "Connectify":
Software-based Wireless Router:
- Take any intemet connection and share it wirelessly with no additional hardware
- Easily connect any number ot WiFi enabled devices to your mobile network

Features Key:
- Easy organization of a full access point Wi-Fi.
- Master of the initial setup of the program.
- To ensure the security of the encryption WPA2-PSK or WEP.
- Easy management of the system tray.
- Faster performance - up to 30% higher throughput when using high-speed Internet connection.
- Improved identification of some of the Xbox 360 and devices from Motorola.
- Completely new implementation of UPnP - increased productivity, there are no false alarms.
- Completely new user interface with tabs.
- Intelligent warnings when connecting the hotspot without having to connect to the Internet.
- User interface with resizable - grab the top or bottom of the window and change the size of the user interface to the preferred height.
- New, cleaner area of the state across the top of the interface.
- Easy access to the menu when you click on Connectify logo near the button Start / Stop.
- Service launch at startup.
- Support for multiple monitors, in cases where the taskbar is not on the primary monitor.
- A new algorithm for choosing the IP-address of the hotspot improves compatibility with devices IOS.
- And Others
Download Connectify (3.899 KB)
Download Keygen Connectify (3.601 KB)
For the download way you will be redirected to the adf.ly or adfoc.us then wait 5 seconds and look for SKIP AD button located on the right top of your monitor.