Zepa's WIN 8 Crack only
Install Windows 8
Now go to control panel and
Disable error reporting
Disable internet security
Disable network firewall
Disableuser account control
Disable virus protection
Disablewindows backup
Disable windows troubleshooting
Disable check for updates
Now connect to internet
open DOTNETFX folder
Doudle click on DOTNETFX icon
that shoud download and install frame work 2, 3.and 3.5
Now disconect internet
Restart computer
Now go to Windows 8 activator and open it
1. Run activator as admin
2. Click Windows 8 Install/Uninstall
3. Wait until restart
4. windows 8 has been activated
This crack will not work if you dont have frame work 2. 3 and 3.5
Tested on Windows 8 Enterprise-N build 9200
Download Zepa's Windows 8 activator (100%Working activator).rar (82.055 KB)
Untuk cara downloadnya Anda akan diarahkan ke adf.ly atau adfoc.us kemudian tunggu 5 detik dan cari tombol SKIP AD yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor anda.