PCSUITE BOOSTER provides you with more processing power in next to no time and instantly creates the ideal system environment for your programs, applications and games. PCSUITE BOOSTER removes services, programs and features (that are not required for any particular purpose and are regarded only as devouring resources) from the memory during operation, thereby enabling another program of your choice (e.g. a game or video editing software) to operate in the ideal working environment with maximum performance capacity available. Once you have quit the program, you can reset the computer just as easily to its original status, without wasting time restarting the PC either.
- Up to 6 different profiles can be created , e.g. for photo processing or gaming
- Attractive user interface
- Expert mode available to fine-tune your system further
- No time-consuming system restart required
- Suitable for all Windows operating systems
- Ideal for netbooks and older computers
- Boosts system performance (more memory, processing power)
- Turbo-charger for your system
Download PCSUITE BOOSTER PRO 1.4.rar (7.427 KB)
Download License Key PCSUITE BOOSTER PRO 1.4.rar (2 KB)
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