As the game will appear to access different kinds of birds, each have their own unique abilities that can be activated during the flight: blue is divided into three separate birds, the yellow building up speed, black burst, throwing exploding egg whites - to break the building, followed by hiding green pigs will have to apply the right strategy, along with the exact calculation of the trajectory. At each level the number of birds is limited.
Genre: puzzle
Developer: Rovio Mobile
Publisher: Clickgamer Media Chillingo
Language: English
System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows ® XP / Vista / Windows ® 7
- Processor: 2GHz
- Memory: 512 MB
- Video card compatible with DirectX, 128 MB
- Sound device compatible with DirectX
- Free hard disk space: 48.3 MB
- Do not cut / no recoded
- Own version of the malware without activation
- Cut system updates (not flew registration)
- Cheats, save it in bonus
- When you first start the game will require activation. Click on Activate Full Version! and enter the FACK-FACK-FACK-FACK
- Toggle game Windowed / Full Screen you can ALT + Enter keys
- Game settings can be changed in config.lua [opens in a notebook]
- Save games are here% APPDATA% \ Rovio \ Angry Birds
Download Angry_Birds_-_Seasons__RePack_by_KloneB_DGuY_.rar (63.2 MB)
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