How it works:
- Download activator: Windows 8 KMS Activator.rar or Windows 8 KMS Activator.rar
- Open it, choose your system version and click "Insert Key"
- You will get information that key is installed successfully, next choose one more time your version of OS and click "Activate Windows 8!"
- Then just wait :)
- Done! Now restart your PC, and your copy of Windows 8 is activated!

Download Windows 8 KMS Activator.rar (270 KB)
Download Windows 8 KMS Activator.rar (270 KB)
Untuk cara downloadnya Anda akan diarahkan ke adf.ly atau adfoc.us kemudian tunggu 5 detik dan cari tombol SKIP AD yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor anda.