Trojan Killer adalah Software yang dirancang khusus untuk menonaktifkan atau menghapus Malware tanpa pengguna harus secara manual mengedit file sistem atau Registry. Program ini juga menghapus sistem tambahan modifikasi Malware beberapa melakukan yang diabaikan oleh beberapa scanner antivirus standar. "Killer Trojan" scan SEMUA file dimuat pada saat boot untuk Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Worms Internet dan Malware lainnya. "Trojan Killer" bekerja di bidang sistem keamanan untuk memastikan keamanan untuk sistem komputer. Kami mengusulkan produk untuk membantu Anda menyingkirkan menjengkelkan, malware adware dan alat-alat kasar lainnya. Hal ini sangat penting untuk mengembalikan kontrol atas komputer Anda sesegera mungkin tanpa membiarkan ada yang menggunakan data Anda.

TrojanKiller - a program to clean your computer from all the aggressive threats! If you are - an active Internet user, you must take steps to protect your personal information against cyber-criminals. Trojan Killer will help you! She promptly identify (recognize) and safely remove dangerous Trojans malware - spyware and adware, malware, and limiting the activity of blocking tools, keyloggers, etc. before irreversible sad events come in the form of stolen accounts, passwords, credit card numbers, personal, corporate and other information.
Trojan Killer is designed specifically to disable / remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by some standard antivirus scanners. Trojan Killer scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Killer works in the field of system security to ensure safety for computer systems. We propose products to help you get rid of annoying adware, malware and other rough tools. It is very important to restore control on your computer as soon as possible and do not allow anyone to use your data.
The main advantages of Trojan Killer:
- Powerful protection viruses (trojans, worms, etc.)
- Continuous monitoring system
- protection personal data from cyber criminals
- Convenient and easy to exploit the interface
- Supports all Windows operating systems (including Windows 7)
Year: 2012
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: English
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