Ashampoo UnInstaller - uninstaller programs with well-organized interface and algorithm. This tool tracks and records the changes that make installation program, which allows to correctly remove unwanted program. Positive quality is that this program removes not only the applications that were traced to her, but by analyzing the uninstall program, and monitoring are not produced. In addition to its primary function, the ability to delete duplicate and temporary files, manage installed fonts in the system. It has a stylish user interface with multilingual support, including the Russian language.
Features Ashampoo Uninstaller:
- Monitoring programs installed automatically and manually
- Complete removal of software, without leaving traces
- Support" Drag-and-Drop "
- Find and delete duplicate files,
- Search and delete temporary files
- Find and delete empty folders
- Cleaning tool" Start "menu
- Managing a Windows system service
- Manage Add-ons Internet Explorer
- Backing up files
- The program again included font manager
- More powerful Internet-cleaning debris, with support for the Mozilla Firefox browser
- Checking the registry entries for installed software
- Cleaning the registry
- Defragmenting the hard drive
- Managing recovery points
- Full support for Windows Vista
Released: 2012
Language: Multilanguage
Download Ashampoo UnInstaller 5.v5.01.00.rar (17.110 KB)
Download Registration Ashampoo UnInstaller 5.v5.01.00.rar (5 KB)
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