Advanced Archive Password Recovery adalah sebuah tool yang dapat memberikan perlindungan atau membuka ZIP dienkripsi dan RAR arsip yang dibuat dengan semua versi archivers populer. Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.53 untuk arsip polos dan self-extracting dibuat dengan PKZip dan WinZip, RAR dan WinRAR secara otomatis atau dengan bantuan Anda. Dijamin unlocking arsip yang dibuat dengan WinZip 8.0 dan sebelumnya di bawah satu jam dimungkinkan dengan memanfaatkan sebuah cacat implementasi,

- Supports all versions of ZIP/PKZip/WinZip, RAR/WinRAR, as well as ARJ/WinARJ, and ACE/WinACE (1.x)
- Guaranteed recovery of archives in under 1 hour for ZIP archives created with WinZip 8.0 and earlier and containing at least 5 files
- Supports archives over 4 GB and self-extracting archives
- Supports strong AES encryption found in WinRAR and the new versions of WinZip
- Exploits all known vulnerabilities and implementation flaws in the various compression algorithms for faster recovery
- Speedy known-plaintext attack recovers certain ZIP and ARJ archives in minutes (user must supply at least one unprotected file from that archive)
- Interrupt and resume operation at any time
- Supports background operation by utilizing idle CPU cycles only
- Dictionary and brute-force attacks with user-defined masks and advanced templates
- Highly optimized low-level code for optimum performance
- Universal Compatibility
Download Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.53.rar (2.327 KB)
Download Registration Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.53.rar (2 KB)
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