Advanced Installer adalah Software yang berfungsi untuk membuat Installer Software, Java Application, Update Patch, Add-Ins, dan lain-lain. Advanced Installer biasanya digunakan oleh para pengembang Software untuk membuat Installernya.

Version 9.4 (July 26th, 2012)
- Windows Server 2012 support
- Product SKUs based on serial numbers
- Styled progress bar control in enhanced UI
- Collapsible groups in enhanced UI
- Hyperlinks inside static text controls
- Backup and restore files and registry entries
- Installation path validation
- Feature conditions based on UI elements
- Persistent property values
- File move operations on component uninstall
- SQL Server Native Client predefined prerequisites
- Apache Tomcat predefined prerequisites
- ASP.NET MVC predefined prerequisites
- SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 predefined prerequisite
- Over 30 enhancements and bug fixes
- Pentium 4 class CPU
- 512 MB RAM
- 1024x768 screen resolution
- 256 MB hard drive space
Download Advanced Installer 9.4 Build 46246.rar (43.115 KB)
Download Patch Advanced Installer 9.4 Build 46246.rar (141 KB)
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