Xilisoft 3D Video Converter adalah Aplikasi khusus yang digunakan untuk mengkonversi video 2D & 3D yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengkonversi video dari 2D ke 3D, bahkan 3D ke 2D, serta mengkonversi satu jenis format 3D yang lain. Xilisoft 3D Video Converter ini mendukung hampir semua format video yang populer termasuk M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, H.261, H.264, DV, DIF, MJPG, format MJPEG dan masih banyak lagi.

Xilisoft 3D Video Converter is an outstanding 2D&3D converting specialist that enables you to convert videos from 2D to 3D, even 3D to 2D, as well as convert one kind of 3D format to another. It supports nearly all the popular video formats which include M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, H.261, H.264, DV, DIF, MJPG, MJPEG formats and so on.
- Convert standard 2D video to 3D video
- Convert among different types of 3D videos
- Convert 3D video to standard video
- Support almost all popular formats of videos
- Support almost all mainstream multimedia players like iPod, iPad, Apple TV, iPhone, Windows Devices, etc.
- Support Anaglyph (Red/Cyan) video as output to watch 3D movie at standard 2D TV
- Instant preview for output video
- Multiple interface languages
Download Xilisoft 3D Video Converter 1.0.0 Build 20120614.rar (32.000 KB)
Download Keygen Xilisoft 3D Video Converter 1.0.0 Build 20120614.rar (598 KB)
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