Sothink SWF Decompiler - alat untuk mengkonversi video Flash-siap dan ekstraksi sumber daya yang berbeda. Utilitas yang dapat mengekstrak suara, gambar, script, font, dll dari siap pakai Flash-film (SWF, EXE). Kompatibel dengan semua elemen SWF seperti ActionScripts, suara, gambar, video, bentuk, frame, istilah, teks, tombol dalam berbagai format. Program ini dapat menyalin kutipan video dari file Flash dan paste ke * apapun. Flv format. Sothink SWF Decompiler memungkinkan Anda mengkonversi Flash SWF file ke dalam FLA format. Antarmuka produk (bahasa Inggris) adalah logis dan mudah untuk mengelola.
Sothink SWF Decompiler adalah sebuah software yang dapat digunakan untuk decompile file SWF, software ini dapat membuat sebuah file SWF menjadi ke bentuk FLA sehingga memungkinkan kita melihat source code file flash tersebut dan meng-edit file SWF tersebut. Software ini juga dapat melakukan banyak hal, seperti mengubah SWF menjadi HTML5, meng-extract elemet SWF, dan masih banyak lagi.

- Convert swf to fla-format compatible with Flash 6, Flash 7 and Flash 8
- Full support for ActionScript 2.0,
- Decompile Flash animation file and parse into separate resources: figures, pictures, fonts, sounds, text, sprites, etc.
- Pulling out of the video files in vormate. Flv,
- Interception of flash drives from your browser window.
Sothink SWF Decompiler - Support Adobe Flash CS5 - Professional Flash Decompiler for you to convert SWF to FLA or FLEX, and easily extract Flash resources like shapes, images, sounds (mp3, wav), videos (flv), texts, sprites, ActionScript, etc. Supports Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 and ActionScript 3; Get XFL file from Flash CS5 SWF; Globally searches all ActionScript; Exports SWF resources in batch; Auto-recognizes system language; One-click online Flash capture and download; Multilingual and user-friendly .
Industry-leading Flash Decompiler
- Convert SWF to FLA
- Convert SWF to FLEX project
- Extract SWF elements
- Get XFL from Flash CS5 SWF icon new
- Extract SWF from Flash EXE
- Office 2007 style, multi-language interface: English, German, French, Traditional Chinese, Italian and Korean
- Support Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 icon new
- Support ActionScript 2.0/3.0
- Compatible with Windows 7
- Support Flash components
- Decompile SWF in batch mode
- Decompile the standard EXE made by Adobe Flash to FLA
- Navigate and browse resources in preview window before SWF decompile
- Show AS Class structure like folder-tree according to its path in package when decompiling AS3.0. Support displaying multi-byte code in AS window.
- Globally search all ActionScript
- Export ActionScript file in AS, BIN or HTML
- Export the FLV video from Flash
- Provide SWF Catcher to download online Flash from IE or Firefox
- Offer a built-in Flash player to play SWF/FLV/F4V
- Auto-recognize system language
- Snapshot the playing Flash movie
Download Sothink SWF Decompiler 7.2 Build 4842.rar (38.344 KB)
Download Sothink SWF Decompiler 7.2 Build 4842.rar (38.344 KB)