Advanced RAR Repair merupakan salah satu software yang berfungsi untuk memperbaiki file Rar yang rusak (corrupt or damaged).

Main Features in Advanced RAR Repair v1.2 :
- Support to repair all versions of RAR and SFX files.
- Support to recover multi-volume and solid archives.
- Support to recover archives encrypted by a password.
- Support to find and select the RAR and SFX archives to be repaired on the local computer.
- Support to upload corrupt RAR or SFX archives to our ftp server so that the qualified engineers in our file analysis center can help to analyze your archives efficiently.
- Support to repair RAR files on corrupted medias, such as floppy disks, Zip disks, CDROMs, etc.
- Support to repair a batch of RAR and SFX files.
- Support to repair RAR archives as large as 16777216 TB (i.e. 17179869184 GB).
- Support integration with Windows Explorer, so you can repair a RAR archive with the context menu of Windows Explorer easily.
- Support drag & drop operation.
- Support command line parameters.
- Can be used as a computer forensic tool and electronic discovery(or e-discovery, eDiscovery) tool.
Download here Advanced RAR Repair v1.2.rar (748 KB)
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